Workshop Habib Samandi


Sa, 11. Mai 2013
10:00 – 12:30 und 14:00 – 16:30, AvW, Raum F EG 02

Habib Samandi is a native Tunisian, who specializes in traditional arabic percussions and considered as one of the masters in Tunisia of Darbuka, his first instrument. He is a multi- percussionist interested also in african and latin percussion.

Habib has been involved in several projects over the last twenty years, performing in different countries as Tunisia, France, Germany, Kasakhstan, Spain, Libanon, Algeria, Italy and Austria, playing in various styles: world music, jazz, pop, rock, electronic, folklore and klassic arabic music.

In his workshop Habib Samandi teaches the three basic arabic instruments:

–       Darbuka (goblet drum),
–       Riq (tambourine)
–       Bendir or Duff (frame drum)

He engages all levels from advanced to beginners and the students learn:

–       posture
–       sounds (Dom, Tek, Slap)
–       patterns (symetric and asymetric)
–       range of rhythm from north africa (Maghreb), Middle East, Golf Area

The next step is how to:

–       play together and inter-act (polyrhytmus)
–       prepare to perform percussion solo
–       play those traditional patterns on other instruments as drum set or vibraphone.


Latin Percussion Workshop am 11. Juni

Latin Percussion Workshop mit Heinrich KLINGMANN

“Groove – Kultur – Unterricht”

Montag, 11. Juni 2012
Schlagwerkhaus / Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien

9:00 – 13:00 Uhr
Stilistische Orientierung: von Voodoo Ÿber Boogaloo und Salsa bis Latin Jazz und Pop
Zur Konstruktion eines Salsagrooves
Instrumentalworkshop (Conga, Timbales, kleine Percussion, …)
Überblick brasilianische Percussion

15:00 – 18:00Uhr
Comboarbeit (Rolle und Funktion einzelner Instrumente und Instrumentengruppen)
Erarbeitung exemplarischer Kompositionen in unterschiedlichen Stilen

In Kooperation mit dem Institut Franz Schubert
Plakat_Workshop Klingmann (PDF; 537 KB)